Saturday, August 3, 2024

Art Directors Panel: Carol Ly

As an illustrator, I can't think of anything more exciting than a room full of acquiring art directors and art agents ready to answer questions! Well, that's what this panel offered. Moderated by the incomparable TeMika Grooms, a lot of valuable information was shared. 

Panelist Carol Ly, from her website: Carol Ly is a book designer based in New York. After graduating from the Tyler School of Art with a BFA in Graphic and Interactive Design, she left Philadelphia to work in children’s publishing. She’s been making fun stuff ever since. Currently an Associate Art Director at Random House Children’s Books, she has previously worked at Scholastic and Macmillan. Carol has also designed books for clients such as Zando and Levine Querido. Her experience covers everything from jackets to interiors, board books to young adult, and more. Accolades include art direction recognition by the Society of Illustrators and the Book Industry Guild of New York as well as a feature in Spine Magazine. Carol’s work has also been showcased by Applied Arts, Graphis, and Creative Quarterly.

How do you discover the artists you work with? Following admired artists on social media and personal websites. Loves discovering fine artists on random blogs, or editorial illustrators who haven't dabbled in trade publishing. "Art is everywhere."

What do you look for in portfolios? Ly looks at how artists stylize people. Characters should not look cookie-cutter. Looks for a diversity of body types, and artists who know how to work with type, color contrast, and settings.

How to send submissions, Re: Random House: Send postcards, yes, but digital submissions through Query Tracker are best. Digital submissions get passed around the art department.

What do you look for in working with an illustrator beyond art? Loves working with illustrators who are great communicators. Some artist do not respond at all when their work will be late. Be a good collaborator, and respect the knowledge of the art staff. 

What other things can illustrators do while waiting to get published in the trade? Figure out multiple income streams. Keep developing your skills.

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