Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Team Blog Intros: Justin Campbell

Hello hello!

I’m Justin Campbell, author/illustrator and professional performer/choreographer based in Brooklyn, NY and I am so excited to be joining Team Blog again this summer!

A little about my journey:

A graduate of Montclair State University with a BFA in Dance and a Minor in Art Studio & Design (Illustration), I now perform professionally, nationally, and internationally. I’ve had the opportunity to perform in beautiful countries, in stunning theatres alongside so many amazing artists—


With the closing of the theatres during the pandemic, I was unable to dance, sing, act, rehearse, perform, twist, leap, slide, jive, kick, spin, shimmy, shake —well, you get the picture—which sent me into a major slump as so many of us experienced. But soon the relentless buzzing of the artistic bumblebee filled my head, and I had to answer its call. So I picked up a pencil and sketchbook, and reconnected with my illustrator roots, which was originally my dream profession. 

After countless hours of self-administered workshops and foundational work, I was introduced to SCBWI and it clicked for me. I had found a community of authors and artists that encouraged me and kept the fire of creativity burning. A member of SCBWI since 2021, I’ve had the privilege to participate in so many events and activities, my favorite being the conferences! 

As an artist and author, I create stories that inspire children of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. I love mixing visual and performance art, being inspired by my background in dance, movement, and theater. With the desire to be the “griot” of the family, I write stories that explore, and celebrate the interconnectivity, imperfection, and uniqueness of BIPOC people while challenging stereotypes and narrow constructions of identity, gender norms, and the stigmatization of queerness. I aim to reveal the softness, gentleness, and vulnerability of Black/Brown characters.

I write for the child I was who struggled to navigate a world that did not see him and my greatest wish is to be a true storyteller OF and FOR the world by adding to the legacy of BIPOC stories and characters, paying tribute to ancestral influence, and helping facilitate change for the future.

For more information about my performance career, visit or my illustration website,

I am also a part of the FABULOUS Queer KidLit Creators, a community group of Queer-identified authors, translators, and illustrators of books for children, tweens, and teens. Founded and hosted by the incredible Lee Wind, we have been meeting once a month for almost 4 YEARS!

All that said, what I’ve learned throughout my journey is that you can’t go at it alone! I’m so glad I am a part of such a vibrant community and can’t wait to dive into the sparkling waters of this Summer Conference!


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