Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Pre-Conference Interview with Frances Mahaney, SCBWI Summer Conference Artist

Francesca Mahaney
is an illustrator who works in educational publishing. She received her BFA in Communication Design from Pratt Institute and recently finished illustrating her first early reader series, Inside Scouts. When she isn’t drawing, Francesca enjoys relaxing with her cats, watching musicals, and trying new restaurants. 

You can find out more about Francesca on her website, Instagram, and X/Twitter.

Q. I love the banner art you created for this year's SCBWI Summer Conference! How were you selected to be the illustrator?

Frances: Good question! I don’t know the exact reason, but I’ve been a member of SCBWI, attended conferences, and participated in the showcase in the past. Each conference I’ve loved seeing the banner art, so being asked to create a piece for the Summer Conference was amazing!

Here's what TeMika Grooms, SCBWI's Manager, Illustration and Design, had to say about the choice of Francesca as the artist for this year's Summer Conference:

"When selecting an artist to promote a conference, we often start by reviewing those who were recognized in past Portfolio Showcases. We consider the quality of work, appropriateness for the children’s book market, and an ability to create memorable art. We take great joy in spotlighting the artist to be seen by fellow members and professionals in children's book publishing.

"As we combed through portfolios, Francesca Mahaney’s work stood out because of the angular lines, color palette, and the way she plays with planes within her work. Her website includes really interesting illustrations. Francesca was very professional and provided several sketches and final art files that could be easily used in our visual assets. She was a perfect choice to be this year's Summer Conference artist!"

Q. How did you create the art? What guidance did the SCBWI provide, if any? What was your process?

Frances: Since there was no specific theme for this conference, the brief was open-ended, which is always exciting! 

I wanted to illustrate something related to reading and summer, and my mind kept thinking about the reading programs where volunteers read to animals in shelters. In my experience, animals make great reading buddies, so I was excited about this concept! 

The SCBWI provided me with several mockups with text layouts so I could picture how the work would look on various platforms. From there, I used my iPad to sketch out the piece and then moved into color. Then I sent the file to the talented TeMika Grooms for the finishing touches. I’m so happy with the way it all turned out!

Q. What do you enjoy most when you're creating art?

Frances: The blend of creativity and problem-solving, bringing a character’s personality to life, and communicating with more than words alone are all incredibly fulfilling. But my all-time favorite is adding movement to a piece. Conveying a sense of energy and motion in a still image is the best feeling. For me, it’s just as fun and energizing as performing on a stage or dancing around your room.

Q. What kind of illustration work are you looking for?

Frances: I’m always open to new picture book projects! I love working with stories that give me the opportunity to research and learn about new topics (the more niche, the better). I am especially drawn to STEAM-centered stories. 

My favorite projects are ones that combine STEM learning with the visual arts, music, and/or theater.

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