Wednesday, February 4, 2009

SCBWI Illustrator Winners: Check Out Their Work

I didn't have time to post images while live blogging, so I'm excited that I've now scored some art from the winners of both the SCBWI New York Portfolio Exhibition and the Tomie dePaola Award which were given out during the NY conference. (Lin Oliver announced that the Tomie dePaola award will be funded by SCBWI going forward and join the permanent lineup of awards offered by SCBWI. I wasn't supposed to blog this because Tomie didn't know yet. He was filled in during a live phone call broadcast to the conference audience, so now I can tell you.)

If you'd like to see more art from these illustrators, click their names or images to view their online portfolios. Enjoy! And congratulations to these terrific artists.

SCBWI Portfolio Award Winners

Grand Prize Winner: David Ercolini

Honor Award: Paulina Cerezo

Honor Award: Patricia Cantor

Tomie dePaolo Award Winners

Grand Prize: Leeza Hernandez

Honor Award: Kenneth Kraegel


  1. Wonderful illustrations by one and all. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Oh, wow. Those are incredible. Thank you!

  3. Oh thanks for sharing this art. It is so much fun.

  4. Yes they are incredible. I really like the second one, they are all great. Congrats to the artist.

  5. I invite you to visit my blog. you can find my last works of art at:

    yours Claudio Tomassini

  6. I like Dave Ercolini's - the drawings are nice and he really captures the bed wetting experience like a professional.
