Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Pre-Conference Interview with Frances Mahaney, SCBWI Summer Conference Artist

Francesca Mahaney
is an illustrator who works in educational publishing. She received her BFA in Communication Design from Pratt Institute and recently finished illustrating her first early reader series, Inside Scouts. When she isn’t drawing, Francesca enjoys relaxing with her cats, watching musicals, and trying new restaurants. 

You can find out more about Francesca on her website, Instagram, and X/Twitter.

Q. I love the banner art you created for this year's SCBWI Summer Conference! How were you selected to be the illustrator?

Frances: Good question! I don’t know the exact reason, but I’ve been a member of SCBWI, attended conferences, and participated in the showcase in the past. Each conference I’ve loved seeing the banner art, so being asked to create a piece for the Summer Conference was amazing!

Here's what TeMika Grooms, SCBWI's Manager, Illustration and Design, had to say about the choice of Francesca as the artist for this year's Summer Conference:

"When selecting an artist to promote a conference, we often start by reviewing those who were recognized in past Portfolio Showcases. We consider the quality of work, appropriateness for the children’s book market, and an ability to create memorable art. We take great joy in spotlighting the artist to be seen by fellow members and professionals in children's book publishing.

"As we combed through portfolios, Francesca Mahaney’s work stood out because of the angular lines, color palette, and the way she plays with planes within her work. Her website includes really interesting illustrations. Francesca was very professional and provided several sketches and final art files that could be easily used in our visual assets. She was a perfect choice to be this year's Summer Conference artist!"

Q. How did you create the art? What guidance did the SCBWI provide, if any? What was your process?

Frances: Since there was no specific theme for this conference, the brief was open-ended, which is always exciting! 

I wanted to illustrate something related to reading and summer, and my mind kept thinking about the reading programs where volunteers read to animals in shelters. In my experience, animals make great reading buddies, so I was excited about this concept! 

The SCBWI provided me with several mockups with text layouts so I could picture how the work would look on various platforms. From there, I used my iPad to sketch out the piece and then moved into color. Then I sent the file to the talented TeMika Grooms for the finishing touches. I’m so happy with the way it all turned out!

Q. What do you enjoy most when you're creating art?

Frances: The blend of creativity and problem-solving, bringing a character’s personality to life, and communicating with more than words alone are all incredibly fulfilling. But my all-time favorite is adding movement to a piece. Conveying a sense of energy and motion in a still image is the best feeling. For me, it’s just as fun and energizing as performing on a stage or dancing around your room.

Q. What kind of illustration work are you looking for?

Frances: I’m always open to new picture book projects! I love working with stories that give me the opportunity to research and learn about new topics (the more niche, the better). I am especially drawn to STEAM-centered stories. 

My favorite projects are ones that combine STEM learning with the visual arts, music, and/or theater.

Team Blog Intros: Justin Campbell

Hello hello!

I’m Justin Campbell, author/illustrator and professional performer/choreographer based in Brooklyn, NY and I am so excited to be joining Team Blog again this summer!

A little about my journey:

A graduate of Montclair State University with a BFA in Dance and a Minor in Art Studio & Design (Illustration), I now perform professionally, nationally, and internationally. I’ve had the opportunity to perform in beautiful countries, in stunning theatres alongside so many amazing artists—


With the closing of the theatres during the pandemic, I was unable to dance, sing, act, rehearse, perform, twist, leap, slide, jive, kick, spin, shimmy, shake —well, you get the picture—which sent me into a major slump as so many of us experienced. But soon the relentless buzzing of the artistic bumblebee filled my head, and I had to answer its call. So I picked up a pencil and sketchbook, and reconnected with my illustrator roots, which was originally my dream profession. 

After countless hours of self-administered workshops and foundational work, I was introduced to SCBWI and it clicked for me. I had found a community of authors and artists that encouraged me and kept the fire of creativity burning. A member of SCBWI since 2021, I’ve had the privilege to participate in so many events and activities, my favorite being the conferences! 

As an artist and author, I create stories that inspire children of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. I love mixing visual and performance art, being inspired by my background in dance, movement, and theater. With the desire to be the “griot” of the family, I write stories that explore, and celebrate the interconnectivity, imperfection, and uniqueness of BIPOC people while challenging stereotypes and narrow constructions of identity, gender norms, and the stigmatization of queerness. I aim to reveal the softness, gentleness, and vulnerability of Black/Brown characters.

I write for the child I was who struggled to navigate a world that did not see him and my greatest wish is to be a true storyteller OF and FOR the world by adding to the legacy of BIPOC stories and characters, paying tribute to ancestral influence, and helping facilitate change for the future.

For more information about my performance career, visit or my illustration website,

I am also a part of the FABULOUS Queer KidLit Creators, a community group of Queer-identified authors, translators, and illustrators of books for children, tweens, and teens. Founded and hosted by the incredible Lee Wind, we have been meeting once a month for almost 4 YEARS!

All that said, what I’ve learned throughout my journey is that you can’t go at it alone! I’m so glad I am a part of such a vibrant community and can’t wait to dive into the sparkling waters of this Summer Conference!


Follow me!

For more, follow #SCBWIsummer24 

Register at

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Free UnBanning Books Panel and Last Call For the SCBWI Summer 2024 Virtual Conference - #SCBWIsummer24 Starts Aug 1, 2024!

UNbanning Books panel ad

Whether of not you'll be attending the online conference, we hope you'll join the SCBWI community for Unbanning Books - a free panel discussion with Betsy Gomez, Arthur Levine, Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Lee Rowland, and Kyle Zimmer on Aug 1, 2024 from 2:30pm-3:30pm Pacific. You can register for free here.

You can find out about all the #SCBWIsummer24 keynotes, breakout sessions, panels, socials and so much more here

Hope to see you at one or both! 

And make sure to bookmark The Official SCBWI Conference Blog, where the entire #SCBWIsummer24 Team Blog will be posting live updates, reports, and inspiration. Cheers to Don Tate, Jaime Temairik, Jolie Stekly, Justin Campbell, and Debbie Ridpath Ohi for joining me (Lee Wind) on Team Blog for this summer conference!

Illustrate, Translate, and Write On,

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Team Blog Intros: Meet Debbie Ridpath Ohi

Counting down the days until the SCBWI Summer Conference! I have a special fondness for the Summer Conference because my own children's book career got jumpstarted in 2010 because of this event; you can read details here, as well as advice I wish I could tell my younger self.

For those who don't know me, I'm Debbie Ridpath Ohi.

Once upon a time I was a computer programmer/analyst. Now I write and illustrate books for young people! My illustrations appear in books by Judy Blume, Michael Ian Black, Linda Sue Park, Rob Sanders, and others. My home publisher is Simon & Schuster Children's Books, where I have the privilege of working with Justin Chanda and Laurent Linn.

I'm currently working on illustrations for I'M BUSY, written by Michael Ian Black and illustrated by me (Simon & Schuster), and I have a solo picture book coming out Sept. 17, 2024 called I WANT TO READ *ALL* THE BOOKS.

Excited to be on SCBWI Team Blog! Whether you're an SCBWI Conference newcomer or a seasoned pro, I recommend attending Jolie Stekly's Orientation Session on August 1st; it's a great way to start the event. In addition to contributing to the SCBWI Conference Blog, I'll be doing some live-posting from Bluesky with the #scbwiSummer24 hashtag.

For those on Bluesky, I've also created:

#scbwiSummer24 custom feed: Picks up Bluesky posts tagged with #scbwiSummer24 or #scbwiTeamBlog. Empty right now, since I only JUST created it.

SCBWI Feed: Searches SCBWI-related lists (like the ones below) for #SCBWI hashtag as well as others related to kidlit or YAlit.

SCBWI Regions: Click the "About" tab to see a list of SCBWI Region accounts who are on Bluesky.

SCBWI List: Click the "About" tab to see a list of those on Bluesky who are members or supporters.

Also don't forget to follow SCBWI Team Bloggers who are on Bluesky! 

Lee Wind
Don Tate -
Justin Campbell -
Jolie Stekly - tba
Jaime Temairik - tba
Debbie Ridpath Ohi -

For those new to Bluesky, I have some Starter Threads, feeds and lists, tips and resources in this blog post. Bluesky recently launched user-created "Starter Packs" to help new users connect with others, so feel free to check the "Starter Packs" tab in my profile to find KidLit/YA Agents, Editors, Librarians, Publishers, Book Bloggers/Reviewers, etc.

Also do check out the KidLit Mega Feed, a collaborative Bluesky feed that picks up #kidlit and related hashtags kidlit Lists curated by others in the community. Admins: Me, Charlene Chua, Brian Kirby. Moderators include Jaymie Heilman, Diana Sousa, Erica Lee Schlaikjer, Julie Hedlund, and Kellie Nicely. It's been exciting to see the kidlit community growing on Bluesky! (Pssst: Educators, too! School Library Journal asked me to write an article about Bluesky for their August issue.)

Looking forward to seeing you all at the virtual SCBWI Summer Conference!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Team Blog Intros: Meet Lee Wind


montage of images of author Lee Wind at ALA 2024
Scenes from the recent American Library Association Conference, from top left: me and publisher Cynthia Sherry in the IPG booth just before my signing copies of my YA novel A Different Kind of Brave (Duet Books/Interlude Press/Chicago Review Press); me posing in the Reycraft Booth with a promotional peach and a copy of my newest picture book Love of the Half-Eaten Peach, illustrated by Jieting Chen and due out Sep 3, 2024; and me in the Lerner booth, marveling at the giant image of my newest nonfiction for readers 11 and up, The Gender Binary Is a Big Lie, due out Aug 6, 2024; and me speaking to a crowd of 45 or so librarians on the diversity stage about how the gender binary really is a big lie!

Hi SCBWI community!

I'm really excited to once again be the organizer—and proud member—of SCBWI Team Blog for this Summer 2024 virtual conference.

Allow me to briefly introduce myself:

As an author, I write books for kids and teens (picture books, nonfiction for ages 11 and up, and YA novels), the kind of books that if I'd had them as a Gay Jewish kid would have changed my life. And because publishing is unpredictable, I have three books out in 2024 (see caption and photo above.)

Some of my books have been challenged/banned, but I didn't write them for the haters. I write them for the young people who need to know Queer history, feel Queer hope, and access Queer joy.

To that end, right now I'm running the BRAVE kickstarter to raise funds to empower hundreds of LGBTQIA2+ and Allied teens with their own copy of my gay teen action adventure romance A Different Kind of Brave -- as I explain in the campaign notes, "My book is saying that we queer people can be our authentic selves, find love, live an adventure, save the day, be surrounded by an awesome group of diverse friends, and have our happily ever afters, too.” The campaign runs through Saturday July 20, 2024 at 6:50am Pacific, and you can learn more here:

I'm also the host and founder of Queer KidLit Creators, a community group of Queer-identified authors, translators, and illustrators of books for children, tweens, and teens. 

With that same community-organizing hat, I'll be hosting the LGBTQ+ and Allies social at this conference Saturday Aug 3 at 4pm Pacific. I hope to see you there!

Outside of the KidLit world, I have a great day-job for the nonprofit Independent Book Publishers Association, my husband and I have been together more than 27 years, we have a grown daughter, and I live in Los Angeles.

You can learn more about me and my books at my website, and I invite you to connect on socials: BlueskyInstagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

Here's to a wonderful conference ahead!

P.S. - If you're interested in crowdfunding (even if you're traditionally published), I did a free podcast about that, with 12 tips. You can listen here, or on YouTube.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

We're Getting Excited! Have You Registered for #SCBWIsummer24 Yet?


the SCBWI Summer Virtual Conference 2024 logo, showing kids and pets and books!

Inspiring Keynotes!

Fascinating Panels!

Practical Craft and Business Breakout Sessions!

Helpful Peer Critiques!

Community-connecting Socials!

... And so much more! Check out the full conference schedule, and faculty, and offerings.

The online conference starts August 1, but you can still register!

Hope to see you online--* 

We have amazing team of bloggers (even if you're attending, you can't be everywhere at once, so keeping up with this conference blog, as well as team blog's social media posts (like on Bluesky) will offer you an even more expansive, informative and inspiring experience. 

Your SCBWI Team Blog for this Summer 2024 Virtual Conference is:

Debbie Ridpath Ohi

Don Tate

Jaime Temairik

Jolie Stekly

Justin Campbell

and me, Lee Wind

Each of the bloggers will be introducing themselves here before the conference, so stay tuned!**

Illustrate, Translate, and Write On,

*I would have put an exclamation point there, but seven, I think, should be the limit with a post this brief.
**Ack - that made eight.