Thursday, July 18, 2024

Team Blog Intros: Meet Debbie Ridpath Ohi

Counting down the days until the SCBWI Summer Conference! I have a special fondness for the Summer Conference because my own children's book career got jumpstarted in 2010 because of this event; you can read details here, as well as advice I wish I could tell my younger self.

For those who don't know me, I'm Debbie Ridpath Ohi.

Once upon a time I was a computer programmer/analyst. Now I write and illustrate books for young people! My illustrations appear in books by Judy Blume, Michael Ian Black, Linda Sue Park, Rob Sanders, and others. My home publisher is Simon & Schuster Children's Books, where I have the privilege of working with Justin Chanda and Laurent Linn.

I'm currently working on illustrations for I'M BUSY, written by Michael Ian Black and illustrated by me (Simon & Schuster), and I have a solo picture book coming out Sept. 17, 2024 called I WANT TO READ *ALL* THE BOOKS.

Excited to be on SCBWI Team Blog! Whether you're an SCBWI Conference newcomer or a seasoned pro, I recommend attending Jolie Stekly's Orientation Session on August 1st; it's a great way to start the event. In addition to contributing to the SCBWI Conference Blog, I'll be doing some live-posting from Bluesky with the #scbwiSummer24 hashtag.

For those on Bluesky, I've also created:

#scbwiSummer24 custom feed: Picks up Bluesky posts tagged with #scbwiSummer24 or #scbwiTeamBlog. Empty right now, since I only JUST created it.

SCBWI Feed: Searches SCBWI-related lists (like the ones below) for #SCBWI hashtag as well as others related to kidlit or YAlit.

SCBWI Regions: Click the "About" tab to see a list of SCBWI Region accounts who are on Bluesky.

SCBWI List: Click the "About" tab to see a list of those on Bluesky who are members or supporters.

Also don't forget to follow SCBWI Team Bloggers who are on Bluesky! 

Lee Wind
Don Tate -
Justin Campbell -
Jolie Stekly - tba
Jaime Temairik - tba
Debbie Ridpath Ohi -

For those new to Bluesky, I have some Starter Threads, feeds and lists, tips and resources in this blog post. Bluesky recently launched user-created "Starter Packs" to help new users connect with others, so feel free to check the "Starter Packs" tab in my profile to find KidLit/YA Agents, Editors, Librarians, Publishers, Book Bloggers/Reviewers, etc.

Also do check out the KidLit Mega Feed, a collaborative Bluesky feed that picks up #kidlit and related hashtags kidlit Lists curated by others in the community. Admins: Me, Charlene Chua, Brian Kirby. Moderators include Jaymie Heilman, Diana Sousa, Erica Lee Schlaikjer, Julie Hedlund, and Kellie Nicely. It's been exciting to see the kidlit community growing on Bluesky! (Pssst: Educators, too! School Library Journal asked me to write an article about Bluesky for their August issue.)

Looking forward to seeing you all at the virtual SCBWI Summer Conference!


  1. Amazing about the SLJ article on Bluesky, Debbie! Even though we've known each other for a while, I learned some things from your intro! Cheering you on, and so glad you're joining us for this conference!

  2. Thank you for all that you do, Lee! And thank you for inviting me to be part of SCBWI Team Blog!
