Sunday, August 7, 2011

Portfolio Showcase Winners

An esteemed panel of judges (possessing much expertise and very good taste) pored over portfolios yesterday to choose winners for the SCBWI Portfolio Showase! Laurent Linn, Steven Malk, Richard Jesse Watson, Nancy Conescu and Jamie Weiss Chilton chose a portfolio grand prize winner and three honor winners, and the Illustrator Committee chose several illustrators to participate in SCBWI's illustrator mentorship program.

Note that mentorship recipient Julianna Brion won an SCBWI student scholarship (one of three winners), awarded this year for the first time. And she's the recipient of both a portfolio honor and mentorship. Also note that honor winner Joen Deininger was a mentorship winner last year. (The wonderful SCBWI Illustrator Committee programs yield results!)

Here are the recipients...

Grand Prize Winner: ELIZA WHEELER

Portfolio Honor: GREG PIZZOLI

Portfolio Honor & Mentorship Recipient: JULIANNA BRION

Portfolio Honor: JOHN DEININGER

Mentorship Recipient: ANDREA ZUILL

Mentorship Recipient: JUANA MARTINEZ

Mentorship Recipeint: CHRISTINA FORSHAY

Mentorship Recipient: JESSICA LANAN


  1. Congratulations, everyone!

    And a special shout-out to Andrea!

  2. Thank you so much, SCBWI! I should also add that I was in the mentorship program last year, along with John Deininger, and couldn't have gotten this far without it. My many thanks to the mentors, my fellow mentees, and the judges of this year's showcase!!
