Saturday, August 3, 2024

Portfolio Showcase Awards & Wrap-Up

Congrats to the winners of the 2024 SCBWI Summer Conference Portfolio Showcase! This year, the Showcase featured 154 portfolios from illustrators around the globe. 

Thanks to SCBWI Manager Of Design and Illustration TeMika Grooms for the following info.


A few general comments from what the Judges considered:

•  Unique voice and style.
• Range of diverse characters; body type and sizes
• Ability to find a place for the art in children's book publishing
• Distinct style
• An interest in seeing work that is less digital in feel
• Appropriate for kids publishing.
• Fresh styles.



The Gold Award winner will receive:
- Two phone/virtual meetings with art directors/agents who will provide guidance and feedback on their portfolio
- Free admission to the next in-person New York Conference (room and airfare not included)
- A one year renewal of their SCBWI membership
- Two images from their portfolio will be showcased in the SCBWI booth at the 2025 Bologna Children’s Book Fair

Liz Brizzi -
SCBWI Member page


The Silver Award winner will receive:
- Two phone/virtual meetings with art directors/agents who will provide guidance and feedback on their portfolio
- A one year renewal of their SCBWI membership
- One image from your portfolio will be showcased  in the SCBWI booth at the 2025 Bologna Children’s Book Fair

Cleonique Hilsaca -
SCBWI Member Page


The Bronze Award winners (2) will receive:
- One phone/virtual meeting with an art director or agent who will provide guidance and feedback on your portfolio
- One image from the winner’s portfolio will be showcased in the SCBWI booth at the 2025 Bologna Children’s Book Fair

Cara Ziruo Wang -

Ginger Ngo -
SCBWI Member Page

Congrats to all winners! Check out this post for information about winners of the Stephen Mooser Member Of The Year Award, General Scholarship Winners, BIPOC Scholarship Winners, and Student Illustrator Scholarship (SIS) Winners.


Closing Remarks From Sarah Baker:

Sarah congratulated not only the winners in the Showcase, but everyone who entered. She encouraged us all to spread the word about the Portfolio Showcase, which is open to the public.

She gave heartfelt thanks to the faculty, Kim Turrisi, Laurie Miller, TeMika Grooms, and the whole SCBWI Staff ("we're a small but mighty team"), regional team members, all the RTs around the world, and attendees.

Replays of all the sessions will be up on the website in 5-7 days after editing. While replays are only accessible to those who registered, the Unbanning session replay will be open to the public ("so feel free to share!").

Sarah also reminded everyone to save the date for the 2025 Winter Conference in NYC: Jan. 31-Feb.2nd, 2025! Registration opens in October.

    Index of 2024 SCBWI Summer Conference Posts.
    Portfolio Showcase Highlights From SCBWI Team Blog
    SCBWI Summer Conference Portfolio Showcase: Open For Viewing

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