Friday, August 2, 2024

Breakout session 1: Getting to the Next Level: Publicity and Marketing with Tracy van Straaten

I consider myself a seasoned author and illustrator; I’ve been in the business for a long time. However, I still consider myself a learner, especially about marketing and promoting my books. Publishing veteran Tracy van Straaten of TvS Media Group, demystified my marketing vs promotion questions. She stressed the importance of authors and illustrators defining their brand. To respect proprietary information, I won’t post specific information or slides. But I’ll share my main takeaway: Educate yourself. Learn the differences between marketing and publicity, because they are two very different concepts. Be informed about who is handling the marketing and publicity of your book. And don’t be afraid to ask the questions. 

I also learned the importance of authors and illustrators defining their brand. In other words, know what makes you and your work yours? Yes, I am a writer and an illustrator. But my brand is that I’m a storyteller of little-known African American historical figures. I’m a speaker/presenter, and diversity advocate. That’s me, that’s my brand. What is yours?

The following websites offer great examples of branding (notice: how do they define themselves/their work?)

Jason Reynolds

Jon Schieszka

Angie Thomas

The Pumphrey Brothers

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