Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Free UnBanning Books Panel and Last Call For the SCBWI Summer 2024 Virtual Conference - #SCBWIsummer24 Starts Aug 1, 2024!

UNbanning Books panel ad

Whether of not you'll be attending the online conference, we hope you'll join the SCBWI community for Unbanning Books - a free panel discussion with Betsy Gomez, Arthur Levine, Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Lee Rowland, and Kyle Zimmer on Aug 1, 2024 from 2:30pm-3:30pm Pacific. You can register for free here.

You can find out about all the #SCBWIsummer24 keynotes, breakout sessions, panels, socials and so much more here

Hope to see you at one or both! 

And make sure to bookmark The Official SCBWI Conference Blog, where the entire #SCBWIsummer24 Team Blog will be posting live updates, reports, and inspiration. Cheers to Don Tate, Jaime Temairik, Jolie Stekly, Justin Campbell, and Debbie Ridpath Ohi for joining me (Lee Wind) on Team Blog for this summer conference!

Illustrate, Translate, and Write On,

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