Sadly I am no ace photographer and the iPhone has no flash, but clearly, these people are happy to be here!

L to R: Never a worst best friend, Author and RA Alexis O'Neill; Former RA, author and readergirlz PR specialist Sara Easterly; current ARA, author, blogger and tweeter Kim Baker

Retiring RA, author and best dining companion Tekla White

L to R: Mary Jordan-Smith of Florida -- first-time conference goer, Woohoo!; Beth Wagner Burst of CA -- FIFTEENTH conference!; Stacey Goldblatt of CA -- 6th conference (says she owes her career to SCBWI); Paddy Lock of CA -- 7th Conference!

L to R: SPOGG founder, author, readergirlz Media Specialist, and all around awesome Martha Brockenbrough; lurvely illustrator and blogger Karen Chalupnik; bodacious GOLDEN KITE AWARD WINNING Bonny Becker; my graphic novel partner in crime, Sara Easterly

One of our fearless leaders! Steve Mooser and the everlovely GeeCee Addison of SCBWI

Hijinx in the elevator with author/illustrators Jim Averbeck and Gianna Marino
now you're just rubbing it in. Just kidding, love it!