Elizabeth's session title - How to broaden your audience, navigate different houses, and other thorny questions
Elizabeth wants this hour to be about practical stuff.
A few stats, Everyone in this room has been published. Elizabeth asks how many have had a book orphaned? (half of the room raises hand.) How many have published in more than one genre? (about half of room raised hand.)
First meaty question - What to do if you are published, but your track record is a little disappointing?
Elizabeth says
Published artists and authors -- I expect you to have a 3-sentence pitch when you are trying to sell a new project
Take the reins on your future and think about strengthening your brand. Elizabeth gives an example of an Egmont author that they are making an effort to brand. The author's books will come out in a certain season every year, the covers will have a similar feel/design/illustrator with the goal of having the author be immediately recognizable to a kid from across the shelves in a bookstore.
Elizabeth asked on Facebook and Twitter what questions people wanted her to answer in this talk. One of the top two questions:
When are you contacting/bugging your editor too much?
Elizabeth wonders where this is coming from.
Audience tells her they hear editors (or just people) at conferences talking about 'problem/whiny authors.' Elizabeth says she is
sad to hear people are afraid to pick up the phone, it is much harder to go back and clean up a crisis after the fact...we want to be in a relationship with you.
Oo! I was sad to leave that session. Elizabeth Law gives such great frank advice.
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