You can quickly register online as a part-time attendee and there are a number of great one-day and two-day options. There are excellent sessions each day of the conference as wall as special events, so you can't go wrong with whatever you pick. Here's what you can choose from:
Friday, 8/7/2009 Registration - Non-Member - $200Click here for the conference registration page. Hope to see you there! And don't forget--you can read about any conference happenings you miss right here on the conference blog.
Full-day Friday Registration
Saturday, 8/8/2009 Registration - Non-Member - $200
Full-day Saturday Registration
Sunday, 8/9/2009 Registration - Non-Member - $200
Full-day Sunday registration. Does NOT include a ticket to the Golden Kite Luncheon. Tickets to the Golden Kite luncheon are $75 each and must be purchased separately.
Monday, 8/10/2009 Registration - Non-Member - $200
Full-day Monday Registration
Friday/Saturday Registration - Non-Member - $400
Friday/Saturday, 2-Day Registration
Saturday/Sunday Registration - Non-Member - $400
Saturday/Sunday, 2-Day Registration. Does NOT include a ticket to the Golden Kite Luncheon.
Sunday/Monday Registration - Non-Member - $400
Sunday/Monday, 2-Day Registration. Does NOT include a ticket to the Golden Kite Luncheon.
Is there part-time registration rate for members? Or do I have have pay the non-member rate even though I am a member? (Not much of a bargain, really.)